Video: Creating a Faculty or Staff Profile

Creating a Faculty/Staff Page

  1. Select the 'staff' or 'faculty' folder from the left-hand site content navigation by click on the right-pointing arrow that comes up when you hover over the folder name.
  2. Click on the Add Content link on the main navigation bar.
  3. Select 'Page - Faculty or Staff Profile' from the list of content types.
  4. The 'Display' Name should be the name of the person. The 'Title' field immediately below the Display Name is not the job title of the person, but rather the page title, which is used by the browser and by search engines.
  5. 'Show in Navigation' is checked to 'No' by default. Changing this will cause the individual listings to show in the side navigation.
  6. Fill out all applicable fields in the 'Personal Information' section. Hints are included in the editor regarding file sizes and formatting for phone numbers, office hours, etc. Please try to follow these formatting conventions to maintain consistency throughout the site.
    • This is where you will enter the job title for the profile, which is the only field that is required.
  7. Additional information can be added in the 'Additional Information' content editor.
  8. Click the 'Preview Draft' button at the top of the page creation dialog.
  9. Once you have ensured that everything is appearing correctly in the preview, click the 'Submit' button above the preview frame.
  10. Publish the page.
  11. Follow the instructions on the Managing a Faculty/Staff List to get the page to appear in the Faculty/Staff list

Screenshot: Finding the Faculty/Staff Profile asset

Faculty/Staff Page Modifiable Content and Terms

  • Inline Metadata Section
    • Display Name: The text displayed on your website's navigation (i.e. the right-hand navigation and breadcrumbs). This should be the full name of the faculty/staff member (ie. Dr. Adam N. Smith).
    • Title: The text displayed as the page title by your browser. This title is also used by search engines. For these profiles, we suggest you place the full name of the faculty/staff member as well.
    • Show in Navigation: This controls whether or not the profile is displayed in the right-hand navigation.
  • Personal Information: Add as much or as little information as desired to complete the Faculty Staff Profile. The 'Title' field is the only required field and should contain the faculty or staff member's job or position title.
  • Additional information: A place to put additional faculty information. The input is a rich-text editor that allows for basic formatting (e.g. bold, italic, underline), linking, image insertion, and HTML manipulation.

Profile images should be 300px wide, or they may appear blurry or distorted.