Connecting to the Wireless Network (Wi-Fi)
Only for Millersville University computers. All other student, staff, or faculty devices should connect to Marauder BYOD.
Logging In
Before any of these steps can be completed, make sure you are logged in. For help logging in, go here.
Click the Network Icon on the taskbar
Select the Marauder network and click Connect
A Windows Security window will pop up. Enter your MU Email Address and Password. Click OK. If a message pops up to Continue Connecting, click Connect.
A webpage should automatically open. If all settings are configured properly, you are now connected to the network.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Logging In
Before any of these steps can be completed, make sure you are logged in. For help logging in, go here.
Click the Network Icon on the taskbar
Select the Marauder network.
A Login Window will pop up. Type your Millersville University Email and Password into the fields, then click Join.
A webpage should automatically open. If all settings are configured properly, you are now connected to the network.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
If your device asks you for an EAP method and a Phase 2 Authentication, follow the steps for connecting to BYOD on an Android device.
Click the Network Icon on the taskbar
Select the Marauder BYOD network and click Connect
A Windows Security window will pop up. Enter your MU Email Address and Password. Click OK. If a message pops up to Continue Connecting, click Connect.
A webpage should automatically open. If all settings are configured properly, you are now connected to the network.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Click the Network Icon on the taskbar
Select the Marauder BYOD network.
A Login Window will pop up. Type your Millersville University Email and Password into the fields, then click Join.
A webpage should automatically open. If all settings are configured properly, you are now connected to the network.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Open Settings and navigate to Wi-Fi section
Select the Marauder BYOD network
A Login window will pop up. Enter your MU Email Address and Password. Click OK.
A Certificate will pop up. Click Trust in the top right corner. You will be connected to the network.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Open Settings and navigate to the Network and Internet section
Select the Marauder BYOD network
A Configuration window will pop up. Depending on your version of Android, the settings will be different. The first line should always read PEAP, the second should always read MSCHAPV2. The third line should read Trust on First Use if the option is available, and Do not validate if that option is not available.
In the Login section of the page, fill in the Identity line with your Millersville Email and the Password section with you Millersville Password. Leave the Anonymous Identity section blank.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Click Connect. You should now be connected to the network.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Access to some Millersville University services is restricted on the Marauder Guest network. Current students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to connect to the Marauder BYOD network instead, where those services can be utilized without restriction.
The Marauder Guest network is open to all devices on campus. There is no login required, simply connect to the network to access the internet.
Bard Dorm Registration Portal Directions
The Wi-Fi in East Village, South Village, West Village, and Shenks Hall is managed by Apogee. If you are not in one of these locations, please connect to one of the Marauder networks instead.
Before you can add devices through Apogee, you will need to either download their mobile app by searching Apogee Resnet in your phone's app store, or following this link on any computer. Sign in to this portal using your Millersville University E-mail and Password.
Get the mac address of the device you want to connect. If you do not know how to locate the MAC address, instructions for that can be found here.
Once you have the mac address, locate and click the Add Device button in your Apogee ResNet Portal.
First, select the type of device you have from the dropdown list
Next, name your device. The name is not public, it is only so that you can differentiate it easily from other devices you have registered in the portal.
Finally, type in the MAC Address that you found in step two. Once this is done, you can click Add Device.
Changing your Wi-Fi Password
Connection Not Working
If your device is still not connecting, it may have MAC Address Randomization turned on. To turn it off, go to the settings app of your device, open the properties of the network you are trying to connect to, and turn off the MAC Address Randomization setting if it is turned on. The network properties can be found by clicking the little information button, or the three dots icon, next to the network you are trying to connect to.
Get More Help
1) through the Support button in the ResNet portal.
2) through E-Mail at
3) through Call at (833)-548-7747Connecting to the Wired Network (Ethernet)
Personal devices cannot be connected to the Millersville University wired network outside of the dorms. In the dorms, they can only be connected through Apogee's network.
Upon logging into your computer for the first time, a Windows Security popup will appear in the bottom right corner. Login to it using your Millersville University Email and Password.
If you do not see this panel, follow these steps:
1) wait a minute or two for it to show up, your computer could just need a minute.
2) make sure there are no programs opened that are covering it.
3) unplug your ethernet cable, wait 15 seconds, and plug it back in.
Once this is done, you should see a Cisco AnyConnect popup. This means you are connected to the wired network. If you still do not have network access, proceed to step 3.
Open the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client by hitting the windows key and searching for it.
Click the Scan Again button, then wait for it to complete a system scan. This will take a few minutes. Once it is done, you should be connected to the network.
Call For Help
If you are still experiencing limited, slow, or no internet connection, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Before you can add devices through Apogee, you will need to either download their mobile app by searching Apogee Resnet in your phone's app store, or following this link on any computer. Sign in to this portal using your Millersville University E-mail and Password.
Get the mac address of the device you want to connect. If you do not know how to locate the MAC address, instructions for that can be found here. For computers, you will need to get the MAC Address of the ethernet port specifically.
Click the windows key and type CMD, then click Enter.
Type ipconfig /all and click Enter
Search for the line that says Physical Address below the header Ethernet Adapter. The value of this field is your Wired MAC Address. Use this MAC in your Apogee Portal and connect your computer to the Ethernet port in your dorm room to establish a connection.
Get More Help
If your device is still not connecting to the network, please reach out to Apogee. Their 24/7 support is available in three ways:
1) through the Support button in the ResNet portal.
2) through E-Mail at
3) through Call at (833)-548-7747
Click the Search Icon in the top right corner of the screen, then type Terminal and click enter.
Type networksetup -listallhardwareports and click Enter. Locate the section that says Hardware Port: Ethernet.
In the Hardware Port: Ethernet category, locate the line titled Ethernet Address:, your MAC Address will be on that line.
Get More Help
If your device is still not connecting to the network, please reach out to Apogee. Their 24/7 support is available in three ways:
1) through the Support button in the ResNet portal.
2) through E-Mail at
3) through Call at (833)-548-7747
Once you have the mac address, locate and click the Add Device button in your Apogee ResNet Portal.
First, select the type of device you have from the dropdown list
Next, name your device. The name is not public, it is only so that you can differentiate it easily from other devices you have registered in the portal.
Finally, type in the MAC Address that you found in step two. Once this is done, you can click Add Device.
Connection Not Working
If your device is still not connecting, it may have MAC Address Randomization turned on. To turn it off, go to the settings app of your device, open the properties of the network you are trying to connect to, and turn off the MAC Address Randomization setting if it is turned on. The network properties can be found by clicking the little information button, or the three dots icon, next to the network you are trying to connect to.
Get More Help
If your device is still not connecting to the network, please reach out to Apogee. Their 24/7 support is available in three ways:
1) through the Support button in the ResNet portal.
2) through E-Mail at
3) through Call at (833)-548-7747
Get the mac address of the device you want to connect. If you do not know how to locate the MAC address, instructions for that can be found here. For computers, you will need to get the MAC Address of the Ethernet port specifically.
Click the windows key and type CMD, then click Enter.
Type ipconfig /all and click Enter
Search for the line that says Physical Address below the header Ethernet Adapter. The value of this field is your Wired MAC Address. Use this MAC in your Apogee Portal and connect your computer to the Ethernet port in your dorm room to establish a connection.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Click the Search Icon in the top right corner of the screen, then type Terminal and click enter.
Type networksetup -listallhardwareports and click Enter. Locate the section that says Hardware Port: Ethernet.
In the Hardware Port: Ethernet category, locate the line titled Ethernet Address:, your MAC Address will be on that line.
Call For Help
If you still are not connected to the network, please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Once you have the MAC Address of your device, you will need to call the MU IT Help Desk to get its ethernet connection enabled.
Call For Help
Please contact the IT Help Desk at 717-871-7777 for more assistance.
Connection Not Working
If your device is not connecting and IT has confirmed that it is enabled, it may have MAC Address Randomization turned on. To turn it off, go to the settings app of your device, open the properties of the network you are trying to connect to, and turn off the MAC Address Randomization setting if it is turned on. The network properties can be found by clicking the little information button, or the three dots icon, next to the network you are trying to connect to.