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The manuscript entitled "Adam Winthrop's Diary" is a commonplace book originally consisting of 68 folios in a velum cover. It was first the property of Henry Browne, the father-in-law of Adam Winthrop and scattered through the volume are entries by Browne, almost all dealing with matters of religion. Browne died in 1596, aged 76 years.

Wiki MarkupTranscription: additions in \ [brackets\]; erasures indicated by < >; interlineations are indicated by \ ^...^; A2 indicates a hand that could be Adam Winthrop's rather than Henry Browne's.

Folio 1

Wiki Markup\[vellum cover of the commonplace book from an antiphonal of the 14th-15th century containing a part of the Epiphany service\]
<#A2 memento, novissima>

Wiki Markup\#A2 melius est ut doleas, qua\[m\] pereas.

<1. for my god is A great god and great Kynge Above All>


quacke whiche shoke my house by me Henrye Browne

Folio 3r

Wiki Markupfor the greatnes of syne god wyll not here moses nor samuell thoughe thei call nor anye good man.
Jere. 15. a \ [1\]. Thoughe moses and samuell stod before me yet have I no harte to this people.
Jere. 14. b \ [11\] Thou shalt not praye to do this people good.

Wiki MarkupJere. 7. d \ [16\]. Therfor thou shalt not praye for this pepell thou shalt nethe\[r\] give thanckes nor byd prayer for them.
Eze. 14. d \ [14\]. Though Noe, Daniell, and Job, thes thre men were amongst them yet shall thei in ther Righteousnes dlyver but ther owne sowles.
Esay. 1. b \ [6\]. But all are wordes boches sores and strypes which can nether be helped bound up molyfyed nor eased with anye oyntment.

Folio 4r


psa: 39 \ [11\] When thou with rebukes dost chasten mane for siynne, thou makest his beawtye to consume awaye:

Folio 8r


For the synnes of the peopel god Rayseth up fallse prophets to deceyve them
Eze. 14. c \ [9\] And yf that prophet be decyved when he telleth hym a word: then I the Lord myselfe have deceyved that prophet.
Job. 12. c \ [17\]. He caryeth away wysse men, as it were a spoylle and bryngethe the judges out of ther wyttes.
3 \ [1\[ Regu\[m\]. 22. d \ [22\]. Now therfor behold, the lord hathe put a lying sprite in the mout of all there thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken wil concerning this.

Folio 9r

Wiki MarkupOur mysdedes kepe us from God that is our oppressyon.
I\[saiah\]. 1. b \ [16\]. Washe youe make youe cleane put awaye your evyll thoughts out of my syght etc.
I\[saiah\]. 59. a \ [2\] but your mysdedes have separated youe from god and your synnes hyde his face from you that he here you not
Zacha. 7 c \ [8\]. 8 \ [16\]. speake every man the truthe to his neyboure
Ephe. 4. d \ [25\]. Wherfor put awaye lyinge and speake every man the truthe to his neyboure
1 pe. 2. a \ [1\]. Wherfor laye asyd all malycionnes and al gylle et.
Mathe. 6. b \ [14\]. Yf ye forgev other ther synnes your hevenlye \^father\^ shall forgeve hevenlye ^father^ shall forgeve you.

Folio 10v

Wiki MarkupThe end why the gospell is p\[rec\]hed here in earthe is to unbynd us uppon earthe to the intent we shuld be unbound in heaven.
Cal\[vin\] uppon Jobe 1251 ser\[mon\] on the 33 cha\[pter\] fo\[lio\] 550. 50.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Folio 11r
The Mynister and p\[re\]cher must tell the peopell of ther synnes.
Ezechie. 3. \ [18\]. If I saye unto ye concerny\[n\]ge the ungodlye man that without doute etc.

Folio 11v

Wiki MarkupAnd the peopell myst seeke knowledge at the mynystr.
11 Act \ [x. 1.\] Cornenelius was comandyed to send for petr.

Folio 12v

Wiki MarkupOf slaunderi\[n\]ge and who be sclaundered
Gen. The devyll sclaundered god to evee
Job The devyll dyd also sclaunder Job to god.
Kynges.2 Doege sclaundered Ahimelech to Saule
Gen. \ [29\] Josephes ladye dyd sclaunder hym to her Putapher
Nume. 19 \ [xiii and xiv\] The x serchers that stod agaynst the other ii Josua and Caleb dyd sclaunder.
Exodus 23. \ [1\] Thou shalt not accept a vayn tale nether shalt put the hand with the wycked to be an unrighteous wytness.

Folio 13r

Wiki MarkupWe must remember the law of god continually
psal. 4. \ [4\] Commone with your owne hartes uppon your bedes
psal. 1. \ [12\] Blessed is the man that dothe exercise hymselfe in the law of god daye3

Folio 14r

Wiki MarkupThe cause of eroure is the ygnorance of godes word
Mate. 22. \ [29\] as Christ affirmethe to the seducee
prover\[bs\]. 29. \ [18\] wher the worde of god is not preched the peopell peryshe.

Folio 14v

Wiki MarkupHow p\[re\]chers preaching the truthe are not to be dyspised
1 thess. iiii He therfore that despisethe, despisethe hnot man, but god which hathe sent his holye spirite among youe

Folio 19r

agaynst Idoles and Idolatrye Christ toke not our nature upon ^hym^ to be a patrone to the carver or paynter. He denied that he cam to breake the law and the prophettes and the law and prophetes forbyd ymages.

Wiki Markup\[Recheck manuscript for Browne notes between folios 19 and 64\]

Folio 64r


\^manacheus the heretike denied the union of the godhead and manhed in Christ\^ The erroure of maneches it is that god is the author of all good thynges and the devyll is the maker \^of\^ all evyll Cat The Priscillianistes holde this opinione that for a greater advantage lyeng is not forbyden to cover ther covetousness: and to excuse ther daylie lyinge they thei make thre sortes of lyes, Jocosum, p\[er\]niciuse, and officius of the w\[hi\]ch they saye ii sortes to be lawfull honest and comendabel silicet iocosum \[et\] officium The Originestes defend that godes mercye perceth into hell, and that all meme the devyyles also shall at length \^be saved\^ alledginge this scripture his mercye of God be upon all fleshe4 Angellenia The Menendrians, Saturniens, Corinthians and also the Nicolaitayns give the glory of the creatione of the world from god to angeles Angelles created the worlde } } go falsu\[m\] est Angelles were created by god } The J\[T?\]acians hold matrimonye as unpuer J\[T\]aciani taceant de matrimonie loqui Epicures denie the p\[ro\]vidence of god and that god is occupied about the wheeles of heve\[n\]

Folio 66v

in Christ^
The erroure of maneches it is that god is the author of all good thynges and the devyll is the maker ^of^ all evyll
The Priscillianistes holde this opinione that for a greater advantage lyeng is not forbyden to cover ther covetousness: and to excuse ther daylie lyinge they thei make thre sortes of lyes, Jocosum, p[er]niciuse, and officius of the w[hi]ch they saye ii sortes to be lawfull honest and comendabel silicet iocosum [et] officium
The Originestes defend that godes mercye perceth into hell, and that all meme the devyyles also shall at length ^be saved^ alledginge this scripture his mercye of God be upon all fleshe4
The Menendrians, Saturniens, Corinthians and also the Nicolaitayns give the glory of the creatione of the world from god to angeles
Angelles created the worlde }
} go falsu[m] est
Angelles were created by god }
The J[T?]acians hold matrimonye as unpuer
J[T]aciani taceant de matrimonie loqui
Epicures denie the p[ro]vidence of god and that god is occupied about the wheeles of heve[n]

Folio 66v

there is in me[n]e 11 purposes the one the purpose of hym selfe to performe his wycked ^mynd^ that he wyckedlye purposeth, as the purpose of Judas was in the betrayeyng Christ. Also the purpose of god was performed in that god used ^hym^ as a instrument to the settyng forth of his Wiki Markupthere is in me\[n\]e 11 purposes the one the purpose of hym selfe to performe his wycked \^mynd\^ that he wyckedlye purposeth, as the purpose of Judas was in the betrayeyng Christ. Also the purpose of god was performed in that god used \^hym\^ as a instrument to the settyng forth of his glorye.

#A2# Deus dat homini sua dona, quae si abutantur sunt illi mala

Wiki MarkupItem god hathe ii sortes of s\[er\]vantes, the one w\[hi\]ch gevethe god thanckes and prayses accordyng to his Worde and Wyll
The other which serveth to performe the iustyce of god as was nabugodonazer w\[it\]h other

Folio 67r

Wiki MarkupTo lye is to affirme an untruthe w\[ith\] a mynd to hurt, endamag\[e\] or deceyve some man therbye

Folio 69v

Wiki MarkupLoving. Thyou shalt not hate ye brother in ye herte but shalt in anye wyse Rebuke thei neyghbouer that y\[o\]u bare not synne for his sake
Manye would excuse the viciuose lyvyng by the influence and vertue of stares, as the s\[er\]vant of zeno the phylosopher blamed his m\[aster\]r for strikyng hym, because as he sayed, the starres co\[m\]pelled hym to synne
Storeis make relacion that Anaxagoras \^a\^ noble phylosopher was trussed in a foteball, and spurned to deathe, at the commaundement of a cruell kyng, if it had byn his destinye, it wold have chaunsed \^as well\^ to other borne under the same Anaxagoras ^a^ noble phylosopher was trussed in a foteball, and spurned to deathe, at the commaundement of a cruell kyng, if it had byn his destinye, it wold have chaunsed ^as well^ to other borne under the same stare.

Fol 70r

Wiki Markupthe cover to corresponded with folio 1, with entries written in margins \
#A2# \ [qua\]to die Sept 1594 magnu\[m\] diluuie\[m\] fuit, ex quo multu\[m\] damnu\[m\] accidit.


1. Altered from "123". The reference is to Arthur Golding's translation of Sermons of Master John Calvin, upon the Booke of Job, of which three editions appeared between 1574 and 1584. Apparently the edition used here is the one issued in 1574, where the page-heading has a misprint, "123" for "125". The passage occurs in Sermon 125, page 550, section 50: "For wee know that the use of preaching is to the intent we should be unbound in heaven."
