IT Help Desk
Direct Phone: 717-871-7777
Email: Help.Desk@millersville.edu
Classroom Hotline: 717-871-7280
- Submit a HelpDesk Ticket
- Chat with Squawk (AI HelpDesk helper)
- Technical Operations (Tech Ops) Info
- Cybersecurity
- University Virtual Desktop
(Faculty/Staff) - Campus Lab Desktop
(Students) - Systems Status
- Information Technology Policies
Student Resources
Visit the Millersville Logins Page
Faculty & Staff Resources
Faculty/Staff Printing
To view your MUPRINT PIN, click here to visit the console.
You must be on campus on a secure network to access the pin console. Secure networks include a wired ethernet connection, or Marauder wifi
To login, follow these steps:
- Select the dropdown bar and change it to MUAD if you are staff/faculty, or MUAD Student Workers if you are a student worker.
- Use your short username as the login ID. If you are a staff member, your short username is your first initial followed by your last name. If you are a student worker, your short username is everything before the "@" in your student email.
- Use the same password you use to sign into all MU services.
- Once you are in the portal, click the "Reveal PIN" button to reveal the pin you need to access scanning/copying.
Find out more: MUPRINT FAQs
Help Desk
Help Desk Contact Info
Location: Boyer Building
Email: Help.Desk@millersville.edu
Classroom Hotline: 717-871-7280
After Hours D2L Help: 877-325-7778
Call Center/Technical Assistance Center
- Fall/Spring Semesters:
- M-TH 8AM - 7PM EST, F 8AM - 5PM EST
- Winter/Summer Sessions:
- M-F 8AM - 4PM EST
Technical Operations 'Tech Ops' Contact Info
Audio/Video/Lighting/Electronic Support for University Campus functions
Location: SMC
Email: TechOps@millersville.edu