How may I see the results of a survey?

Your course instructor chooses, for each survey, whether or not to make results available. When your instructor does make survey results available to you, she or he will choose in which format or formats you may see those results. Therefore, your ability to see, and export, survey results will vary from course to course and survey to survey.

These instructions assume you have already logged in to D2L and entered the course in which you wish to work.

To view the results of a survey:

  1. Click on "Assessment" in the navigation bar.
  2. Select "Surveys" from the menu that opens.
  3. In the list of surveys, locate the survey for which you wish to see results.
  4. Click the down arrow () to the right of that survey's name.
  5. From the menu that opens, select "Reports".
  6. On the report list page, click on the name of the report you wish to view.
  7. (optional) Use the "From" and "To" controls to limit to a specific date range the results you see.
  8. Click the "Generate HTML Report" button.
  9. Wait for D2L to generate and display the report.

Help Desk

Help Desk Contact Info


Location: Boyer Building


Classroom Hotline: 717-871-7280

After Hours D2L Help: 877-325-7778

Call Center/Technical Assistance Center

  • Fall/Spring Semesters:
    • M-TH 8AM - 7PM EST, F 8AM - 5PM EST
  • Winter/Summer Sessions:
    • M-F 8AM - 4PM EST

Technical Operations 'Tech Ops' Contact Info 

Audio/Video/Lighting/Electronic Support for University Campus functions


Location: SMC


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