I want to subscribe to D2L calendars. How may I enable that option?

These instructions assume you have already logged in to D2L.

  1. In the navbar click Resource.
  2. In the menu that opens, click Calendar.
  3. In the bar near the top of the page, just below the navbar, click Settings.
  4. In the Settings window that opens:
    1. Check the box for Enable Calendar Feeds.
    2. Click the Save button.

See also:

Help Desk

Help Desk Contact Info


Location: Boyer Building

Email: Help.Desk@millersville.edu

Classroom Hotline: 717-871-7280

After Hours D2L Help: 877-325-7778

Call Center/Technical Assistance Center

  • Fall/Spring Semesters:
    • M-TH 8AM - 7PM EST, F 8AM - 5PM EST
  • Winter/Summer Sessions:
    • M-F 8AM - 4PM EST

Technical Operations 'Tech Ops' Contact Info 

Audio/Video/Lighting/Electronic Support for University Campus functions


Location: SMC

Email: TechOps@millersville.edu

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