How do I email someone in my class?
To email other people in one of your courses, use one of the methods below. Note that by default, the classlist will display up to 20 users at one time. You may need to advance to a different page to locate a specific person or set the # per page field to display all people in the class at once.
Emailing one person
These instructions assume you have already logged in to D2L and entered the course in which you wish to work.
- Click on Communication in the navigation bar.
- Select Classlist from the menu that opens.
- On the Classlist page:
- Locate the person you wish to email.
- Click the ∨ (downward arrow) next to the person's name.
- Select Send Email from the menu that opens.
- In the Compose New Message window that opens:
- Type a subject for your message.
- Type your message.
- Click the Send button.
Emailing one or more people
These instructions assume you have already logged in to D2L and entered the course in which you wish to work.
- Click on Communication in the navigation bar.
- Select Classlist from the menu that opens.
- On the Classlist page:
- Locate the first person you wish to email.
- Check the box to the left of their name.
- Locate and check the boxes for all the other people to whom you want to send this email message.
- Click the Email button above the list of class members.
- In the Compose New Message window that opens:
- Type a subject for your message.
- Type your message.
- Click the Send button.
See also:
Help Desk
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Classroom Hotline: 717-871-7280
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- M-TH 8AM - 7PM EST, F 8AM - 5PM EST
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- M-F 8AM - 4PM EST
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