Does D2L delay email?
Any email message traversing the Internet may be held up by factors outside of D2L's control such as firewalls, spam filters, or network disruptions. Beyond those general Internet issues though, yes, in some cases D2L itself will briefly delay outgoing mail.
Number of Recipients
When you send an email message from within D2L to:
- fewer than 100 recipients D2L will dispatch the message immediately.
- 100 or more recipients D2L will queue the message and use a background task to send it.
Using a background task to send messages with 100 or more recipients introduces a small delay, but with the benefit that it allows you to continue working in your course(s) while D2L takes care of sending out your message.
Additionally, if you send a message to more than 150 BCC recipients, D2L will send your message out a slower rate. Please see the next section.
Number of Messages
If you send more than 150 email messages in 30 minutes from within D2L, D2L will queue the later messages. D2L will dispatch your queued messages, in the order you sent them, up to 150 messages every 30 minutes, until all your messages have gone out.
Further details:
- The 150 email messages per 30 minutes limit applies across courses.
- An email message with multiple recipients on the TO and CC lines counts as just one message.
- An email message with multiple recipients on the BCC line counts as multiple messages, one message per BCC recipient. D2L must separately send a copy of the message to each BCC recipient to maintain each recipient's privacy from all others.
For privacy D2L defaults to sending messages via BCC. To reduce the likelihood of being rate limited, you may manually move recipients from the BCC line to the TO or CC lines of a message if the message's content does not demand the higher privacy BCC provides.
Help Desk Contact Info
Location: Boyer Building
Classroom Hotline: 717-871-7280
After Hours D2L Help: 877-325-7778
Call Center/Technical Assistance Center
- Fall/Spring Semesters:
- M-TH 8AM - 7PM EST, F 8AM - 5PM EST
- Winter/Summer Sessions:
- M-F 8AM - 4PM EST
Technical Operations 'Tech Ops' Contact Info
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Location: SMC