How do I download a specific document a student submitted to an assignment folder?

These instructions assume you are in assignments.

  1. In the assignments list, click the name of the assignment.
  2. In the submissions list, locate the submission you wish to download.
  3. Click the file name of that submission.
  4. On the submission preview page, click the file name that is above the preview and to the left.

How do I download all the documents my students submitted to an assignment folder?

These instructions assume you are in assignments.

  1. In the assignments list, click the name of the assignment.
  2. If all students/submission are not displayed on the page, change the number per page in the bottom right.
  3. In the submissions list, fill in the upper most checkbox to select all student submissions.
  4. Click the "Download" option atop the list of student/submissions.
  5. D2L will create a zip file containing all the submissions. "Your file is ready to download" will be displayed once the zip file is complete.
  6. Click the "Download" button below the name of the zip file to trigger download to your device.

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