Are there some files I cannot upload to D2L?
Yes. Please see the detailed information below.
File Types Blocked by D2L
To protect the security of your data, the security of the devices you use to access D2L, and the security of the D2L system itself, D2L blocks the upload of some types of files. In some cases you may put files of blocked file types into archives (.zip files) if you must share the files through D2L.
Blocked from All Tools
D2L will reject files of these types anywhere you attempt to upload them:
- Active Server Pages (.asp, .aspx, .asa, .asax, .ascx, .ashx, .asmx, .axd, .webinfo)
- batch files (.bat)
- Blackberry encrypted data files (.rem)
- configuration files (.config)
- DISCO Dynamic Discovery Document files (.vsdisco)
- Dynamic-link Libraries (.dll)
- executable programs (.com, .exe)
- HTML server side include files (.shtm, .shtml)
- initialization files (.ini)
- Internet database connector files (.idc)
- Microsoft Installer files (.msi, .msp)
- Microsoft Visual Basic files (.vb, .vbproj)
- Microsoft Visual C# Project files (.csproj)
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro files (.cdx)
- Microsoft Visual J# files (.vjsproj)
- Microsoft Visual Studio files (.jsl, .licx, .resources, .resx)
- Microsoft Windows screen saver files (.scr)
- script files (.scr, .sct, .wsc, .wsf, .vbe, .vbs)
- Simple Object Access Protocol files (.soap)
- X.509 certificates (.cer)
Blocked from the HTML Editor
In addition to the file types listed above, D2L's HTML Editor will reject files of the following types if you try to upload them:
- archives (.zip)
- Corel WordPerfect documents (.wpd)
- MakeMusic notation files (.mus)
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xls)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer web archives (.mht)
- Microsoft PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pps)
- Microsoft Word documents (.doc)
- plain text files (.txt)
- Portable Document Format documents (.pdf)
- Rich Text Format documents (.rtf)
- web archives (.mhtml)
Blocked from Content
The content tool rejects upload of files of types listed in "All Tools" above, plus:
- Cascading Style Sheet files (.css)
Web pages (HTML files) in content may reference, include, and use CSS; however, CSS files themselves cannot be content topics.
Help Desk Contact Info
Location: Boyer Building
Classroom Hotline: 717-871-7280
After Hours D2L Help: 877-325-7778
Call Center/Technical Assistance Center
- Fall/Spring Semesters:
- M-TH 8AM - 7PM EST, F 8AM - 5PM EST
- Winter/Summer Sessions:
- M-F 8AM - 4PM EST
Technical Operations 'Tech Ops' Contact Info
Audio/Video/Lighting/Electronic Support for University Campus functions
Location: SMC