A number of widgets within the Desire2Learn system have disappeared. The list of missing widgets appears below. Information Technologies staff are recreating the missing widgets and will be working with support staff from Desire2Learn to try to determine a cause for the disappearance.

Instructors who used any of the affected widgets within a course will need to manually add the affected widget or widgets back onto that course homepage once the widgets have been recreated.

List of affected widgets:

  • Articles
  • Attendance
  • Blog
  • Chat
  • FAQ
  • Glossary
  • i>clicker
  • Journal
  • Rubrics
  • Seating Chart

EDIT (16 March 2012, 4:44 PM Eastern): All of the widgets have been recreated except for the i>clicker widget.

Also, to clarify: The recreated widgets are simply links to Desire2Learn tools, so no data was lost when the widgets disappeared. Re-adding a widget to a course homepage will allow access to all the data that was stored within that tool prior to the widget's disappearance.