Help Topics
Accessing D2L
- Additional required software
- Course start and end dates
- Getting an account
- Logging in
- Mobile devices
- Supported browsers
- Username and password
Account Settings
Additional Information
- Blocked file types
- Overview of Policies and Resources
- Real-time connection between Banner and D2L Brightspace
- Understanding mixed content
- Accessing announcements
- Announcements information for Instructors
- Restoring dismissed announcements
- Viewing announcements
- Accessing assignments
- Assignments information for Instructors
- Assignments size limits
- Submitting assignments
- Troubleshooting assignments upload problems
- Turnitin status
- Viewing assignments submission feedback
- Viewing assignments submission history
- Calendar information for Instructors
- Enabling calendar subscriptions
- Subscribing to a calendar with Apple Calendar
- Subscribing to a calendar with Google Calendar
- Subscribing to a calendar with Outlook
Class Progress and Course Analytics
- Accessing content
- Content information for Instructors
- Opening Microsoft Office documents for editing
- Printing a content topic
- Viewing a content topic
Course Management
- Changing a course banner image
- Changing a course tile
- Changing course start and end dates
- Combining courses
- Copying content from another course
- Emptying a course
- Exporting a course
- Exporting materials from a course
- Intelligent Agents
- Making a course active
- Making a course inactive
- Master courses
- Renaming a course
- Requesting courses
- Requesting removal of past courses
- Viewing the copy components history for a course
- Accessing discussions
- Discussions information for Instructors
- Discussions size limits
- Including original message in reply
- Including video in a Discussion post
- Recovering draft discussions posts
- Switching to grid view
- Switching to reading view
- Emailing an entire class
- Emailing from the classlist
- Email rate limiting and delays
- Email size limits
- Populating the address book
- Problems with Comcast email accounts
- Problems with email
- Receiving copies of email sent
Getting help
Getting started
- Entering a course
- Information for Faculty and Staff
- Logging out
- Missing courses
- Pinning a course
- Subscribing to updates
- Understanding automatic logout
- Video tour
Homepages and Widgets
HTML Editor
- Copying and pasting in the HTML editor
- Disabling the HTML editor
- Editing text
- Embedding items
- Using replace strings
- Using the HTML editor
Instructional & Technology Support Team
Media Library
- Accessing Media Library in D2L Brightspace
- Adding Captions to Media in D2L Brightspace Media Library
- Adding Media to D2L Brightspace Media Library
- Media Library information for Instructors
Microsoft Office 365
Mobile Apps
- Disabling all notification messages
- Enabling notification messages
- Excluding select courses from notification messages
- Including grade values in notification messages
Quizzes, Surveys, and Self Assessments
- Accessing quizzes
- Best practices for taking quizzes
- Exporting survey results
- Printing survey results
- Quizzes, surveys, and self assessments information for Instructors
- Viewing quiz results
- Viewing survey results
Textbook Sources and Publisher Tools
- Book List
- Cengage MindLinks
- InfoSec Learning Virtual Labs
- Macmillan Course Tools
- McGraw Hill Connect
- Pearson MyLab and Mastering
- Reading List
- SAGE Vantage
- Sapling Learning
- Stukent
- Textbook Room
- W. W. Norton & Company
Video Assignments
Workshops and Training
Workshops and Training
Workshops and training are available to Millersville University faculty and staff.
D2L Support for Students
D2L Help Resources for Students
These are some of the most common student-help topics for D2L. Please reach out to the HelpDesk and submit a Ticket if you have more specific questions or issues.
New student?
- Accessing D2L
- Getting started
- Logging in
- Username and password for Millersville students
- Course start and end dates
- Missing courses
Completing Course Activities
- Submitting assignments
- Discussions
- Including original message in reply
- Including video in a Discussion post
Taking a Quiz or Assessment
Help Desk
Help Desk Contact Info
Location: Boyer Building
Classroom Hotline: 717-871-7280
After Hours D2L Help: 877-325-7778
Call Center/Technical Assistance Center
- Fall/Spring Semesters:
- M-TH 8AM - 7PM EST, F 8AM - 5PM EST
- Winter/Summer Sessions:
- M-F 8AM - 4PM EST
Technical Operations 'Tech Ops' Contact Info
Audio/Video/Lighting/Electronic Support for University Campus functions
Location: SMC