Security Practices

  • Never share your login credentials.
    Please do not share your Cascade login information with others. Cascade utilizes your Millersville single sign-on username and password. Sharing this information allows others to access numerous pieces of sensitive personal data, including banking information. If there is a need for a user to have Cascade access, their supervisor should submit a request to help desk.

Image Guidelines

  • Do not add text to images.
    The Millersville website was designed to accommodate many different screen sizes, which means image areas must be flexible. If text is added to images, it will likely be cropped off at varying sizes. Dynamic text is also more search-engine friendly and screen reader friendly, so please use the provided content areas for text.
  • Do not use copyrighted images, such as those found searching on the Web.
    Images found in search results are often copyrighted, and cannot be used without permission from the copyright owner. Instead, please use original photography, Millersville-owned photography, or purchased stock photos.

  • Do, when possible, use high-quality, correctly sized images.
    Using appropriately-sized images will ensure that the University's website looks polished and professional. It will also help prevent website slow-down due to bloated image files. There is help text throughout the Cascade admin area which provides you with the correct image dimensions. Some of the most commonly used sizes are:
    • Masthead: 1400 X 886px
    • Spotlights Component: 560 X 330px
    • Multimedia Component: 730 X 460px
    • Quote Component: 120 X 120px
  • Do use descriptive text for accessibility when adding images.
    It is very important that the University's website remains WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliant. Please remember to enter descriptions for all images you add.


  • Do use PDFs for documents.
    Many document formats, such as MS Word files, are not compatible with all devices. Please instead use PDFs, which are readable on most devices.

Browser Compatibility

  • Do use a supported, modern browser.
    The Millersville website was designed to work in current versions of all major browsers. If you are using an older browser, please upgrade to the latest version. Fully supported browsers include: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Naming Conventions

  • Do use correct naming conventions.
    Using correct naming conventions makes this more readable, helps with search engine indexing, and maintains consistency across the website. Please use the following conventions for pages, images, and documents:
    • Uppercase converted to lowercase
    • “_” replaced with “-“
    • spaces replaced with “-“
    • “&” replaced with “and”
    • “,”  replaced with “-“
    • No special characters, aside from "-"

  • No labels