To add a page:

  1. Click on the 'Add Content' button in main navigation bar (to the right of the Cascade logo).
  2. Select the appropriate template for the page type you would like to create. 'Standard Level' is the most common page template used.
  3. You should now see a screen with various text fields and display options for your page.
    1. Enter a 'Page Name' for your page. 
    2. Your page name should follow the following naming conventions:
      1. Lowercase letters only
      2. Word separated by hyphens, not spaces or other special characters
      3. No leading or trailing spaces
    3. By default, Cascade will set the placement folder to the folder you are currently browsing. If you need to move the new page to a different folder, you can edit the 'Placement Folder'.
  4. Content is created using various components, which accommodate different types of content. The standard text editor is the 'WYSIWYG' component.
  5. When you have finished adding your content, click the 'Preview Draft' button at the top of the page creation dialog.
  6. Once you have ensured that everything is appearing correctly in the preview, click the 'Submit' button above the preview frame.
  7. Publish the page.

Additional Information

  • A new page's 'Display Name' field reflects the text that will appear in the right-hand site navigation.

  • A new page's 'Title' field is used as your page's main heading, as well as the page SEO title.

  • A new page will automatically be added to the right-hand site navigation by default, unless the 'Show in Navigation' field is set to No.

  • Copying and pasting formatted content directly from Microsoft Word will produce undesired results. To avoid this, paste your content into Notepad, then copy and paste the content from Notepad into the CMS content editors. Alternatively, you can use the 'Paste as Text' option in the 'Edit' menu at the top of the WYSIWYG editor.

  • Read more about page fields and components.

Creating a new page

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